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VUW Women in Tech Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I thoroughly enjoy my role. I work alongside a team of clever individuals and the varied nature of this job means there is always something interesting to do.

Ryan McCourt

  • Graduate stories
I love the collaboration and positive, engaging culture that Intergen brings with them.

Ryan Sue

  • Graduate stories
The job hunting experience can be really daunting, especially with little to no practical experience, but here at 2degrees they make it easy and work with you to make things happen.

Sabeehah Rahman

  • Graduate stories
Take your time with patients and don’t be afraid to see them multiple times a week initially to build rapport and encourage adherence/buy-in

Sally Robinson

  • Graduate stories
If you are passionate and have the drive to learn you will find invitations to other construction sites, and contractor facilities will readily flow your way.

Sam Fitzherbert

  • Graduate stories
It was very eye opening to see what goes on behind the scenes to get product to customers, especially on the scale that The Warehouse Group operates at!

Sam Hadley

  • Graduate stories
The way that you learn on the programme - through being in front of young people - is really authentic so I think it’s a great learning experience.

Sam Lahood

  • Day in the life

Sam Mora

In the KiwiRail graduate program, we are rotated between different teams to gain a wide understanding of the business and identify where we are best suited.