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VUW Women in Tech Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I think that the flexibility of the graduate position will help me truly understand what I actually enjoy. Studying something is often very different to working in that respective area.


  • Graduate stories
It is very exciting to be involved in the process of unfolding and resolving the complexity of a project so as to turn it from a fabulous idea into an amazing reality.

Zhenzhen Zeng

  • Graduate stories
Every stage involves a completely different scope of work, which make things interesting. It makes you never feel bored. There are always new challenges waiting for you to work out.

Zhimo Li

  • Graduate stories
Enjoy your life at uni! Join a few clubs that interest you and hang out with your friends. Don’t be a nerd.

Zhiqing Guo

  • Graduate stories
William Buck has a strong culture of teamwork and communication, which fosters a sense of camaraderie among colleagues.

Zoe Zhen

  • Graduate stories
Not a lot of companies are truly global – being under the Haier umbrella but headquartered in New Zealand is unique and opens up opportunities not just here but abroad. Ours is a culture where people thrive.

Zoey Wu