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VUW Women in Tech Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I enjoy being in the office, but sometimes, when life gets in the way, there's the flexibility of working from home. So that has helped a lot, especially being a Pacific person who constantly juggles many things, such as caring for my parents or having even to do school pickups.

Malia Maile

  • Graduate stories
Internships are a great opportunity to not only gain some work experience, but also get a sense of whether you will go down that career path. You never know until you try!

Mandy Huang

  • Graduate stories
I joined the program in February 2021, I spent 8 months including rotations before graduating as an Associate Developer – I’m still here and loving it!

Mario Sinovcic

  • Day in the life

Mario Sinovcic

Mario Sinovcic graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Software (First Class Honours) from the University of Auckland and is now a Protégé Developer at MYOB.
  • Graduate stories
You must learn to not plan too much for the day ahead, the work is fast-paced and constantly changing.

Marlee Crawford

  • Day in the life

Mason Jones

I started off finishing up a few tax returns and financial statements for a small group of companies.
  • Graduate stories
The across-the-board culture of positive communication was constantly evident. Throughout the process, the next steps and timelines were conveyed quickly. I always had the impression that my time and effort were respected.

Matilda Shaw

  • Graduate stories
When you find an organisation with a culture that resonates with your own values, that’s a special thing.

Matt Copland