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Application Process & Interviews at Theta

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 8 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The interview process was reasonably minimal, but that was possibly due to it being for an internship rather than a permanent role. There was a programming task and a code review that involved some learning as well as feedback.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
1. 15-minute online behavioural interview. 2. 30 minutes or so to read the online interview about C# code and leave a relevant assignment. 3. 30 minutes to 1 hour to review the code and ask relevant questions if improving the quality of the code.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
Due to the requirements of my masters programme, interviewing was done primarily through their requirements. First, there was a 15 min interview, then once I got past that step, there was a technical interview and take home assessment. Following that, we reviewed what I had done for the assessment.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
The interview process was incredibly straightforward and transparent. I was contacted by the hiring manager to express interest in my CV before undergoing a technical review, and 1 face-to-face interview. I was well informed during every step, and the process took no longer than 2 weeks before I received an offer.
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Mar 2022
Two interviews and one technical assessment
Midlevel, Auckland - 16 Feb 2022
I had a short video interview and a technical assessment.
Graduate - 20 Jan 2022
I am happy with the internship interview process. Quick and simple.
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2022
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
The key focus during the interview was on reading existing code and problem solving which is highly valued by the team I am working in.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
Relevant code knowledge questions; and a take-home Ch assignment; your personal experience and why you study and work with code.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
I was asked to give a quick description about myself, why I switched to tech, and what I would contribute to the team.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
I was asked about my time at University, and what I was involved in that may prepare me for the role. I was also generally inquired about my attitude to work and what I were to do if I faced setbacks and challenges.
Midlevel, Auckland - 01 Mar 2022
What I think the best quality in a developer is, experience with various languages/technologies etc
Midlevel, Auckland - 16 Feb 2022
I was asked about why I was interested in the field. The technical interview involved a challenge which was completed ahead of time; we discussed the code together during the interview.
Graduate - 20 Jan 2022
Some basic technical questions about programming and databases. The technical questions are appropriate for my level as I am a graduate. Other soft skill questions such as dealing with a tough situation at work, problem-solving, etc.
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
The accumulation of more relevant technical knowledge and practice will make your work easier.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
Have a quick 'About Me' prepped, with a key focus on your skills and what you can offer. In my experience, Theta uses the first interview to gauge team fit, so focus on your people skills and ability to communicate. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions! It shows engagement and a willingness to learn.
Intern, Wellington - 19 Apr 2022
Brush up on your technical knowledge, prepare concise notes on what experience you have, interesting things you've worked on etc that you can pull from when interviewing
Midlevel, Auckland - 16 Feb 2022
Be confident and honest
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2022
Most importantly, be yourself. Explain what you love about what you do. For the technical interview (if you have one), take your time and ask questions if any instructions are unclear. If you make a technical mistake, own up to it, and walk through how you would solve the problem.
Graduate - 20 Jan 2022
Should have good technical knowledge about your specialty and team spirit.
Intern, Auckland - 20 Jan 2022