Updating Results

Buddle Findlay

  • 100 - 500 employees

Salary at Buddle Findlay

6.4 rating for Salary, based on 7 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
It's liveable, however overall juniors are underpaid at the firm.
Graduate, Auckland
Could and should be adjusted for inflation to assist with the rising cost of living. I do not know how bonuses operate.
Graduate, Wellington
Good pay as graduate roles are concerned. I think all professional service graduate roles should be more though.
Graduate, Christchurch
Market rate, but feels low because it is expensive living in Auckland and I find it difficult to save on this salary. Knowledge of what other people my age in different professions are getting paid does make it feel like law grads pay is low, however I understand that this will climb quickly.
Graduate, Auckland
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Free ubers home after 7pm, free meals if working overtime.
Graduate, Auckland
Free food/events, in-house kitchen, business uber/taxi chits, and the views
Graduate, Wellington
We get free tickets to events occasionally and paid company social events.
Graduate, Christchurch
Pays for profs and Southern Cross Health Insurance.
Graduate, Auckland
Health insurance
Graduate, Christchurch