Product Analyst at ANZ New Zealand
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Science at Victoria University of Wellington
6.27 AM
My brain routinely wakes me up a few minutes before my 6.30am alarm (got to make the most of the extra bedtime!) and then I will rush into the shower to beat my flatmate (who also works at ANZ), and off we go to take the 7.40am train to Britomart.
8.20 AM
Arrive at the ANZ tower in Auckland CBD and head up to level 21 where my team sits. I say good morning to the early birds and make a cup of tea to start the day. I log in to check my emails and calendar, and mentally walk through the day ahead.
9.00 AM
First meeting is usually around 9am. I have a team meeting or 1:1 with my manager each week, it’s a fantastic way to map out my tasks for the week and to discuss what my priorities are. Here, we usually spend the last 5 minutes or so chatting about what we got up to on the weekend, and mention any other exciting plans we have during the week – it’s important to keep that work-life balance after all!
10.00 AM
By now I would have scouted who is on the same floor today, and send out a few ‘teams’ messages to see who is keen to grab a coffee! We have numerous great options around us, and it’s a nice excuse to get some mid-morning fresh air.
10.15 AM
Time to get settled into whatever work is my top priority for the day. Sitting in a ‘pod’ with my team means that we have constant support around us, which is ideal for collaborating and asking questions when needed.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! Lunch is flexible in most areas of ANZ – so you can take your break whenever suits you and your calendar! Most days we will eat as a group of Graduates/as a team. Whether it’s heading down to the Commercial Bay food court or all grabbing a quick bite of sushi, I love using my lunchtime to catch up with others and to take a break from the screens.
1.30 PM
After checking through my emails, our team will usually have a catch-up with some of our stakeholders. Whether that’s within ANZ or externally, we have regular meetings to discuss larger projects and to provide updates. These usually require listening and note-taking, but are always an excellent opportunity to see how managers/leaders interact and work with each other.
3.00 PM
I am commonly working on longer-term projects that require regular check-ins with my manager or a senior leader. I like to provide transparent updates to ensure that we are on the same page (this saves time in the long run, rather than having to backtrack further down the line). Mid-afternoon can be difficult when hitting the “3pm slump” so it’s usually time for another coffee or tea in the communal floor kitchen.
5.00 PM
5pm usually means the last push of work to make sure that I’m set up for the next day – or to see who is still around for a wee catch-up after work! Our team and Graduate cohort are quite a social bunch, so one quick group message to see who’s keen to “meet in the lobby” and we are away. There’s quite a cool spot just down the road from the tower with dart boards and table tennis – what a way to wind down with some fun from the work day!
7.00 PM
Back on the train home after a busy and social day – home for a quick dinner and (usually) an early night. Cooking a nice dinner is my relaxation for the day – a big bonus is having leftovers for work the next day to save the money I shamefully spend on lunches out.
8.00 PM
I now smash out a few episodes of Brooklyn 99 or The IT Crowd to truly wind down. I wish I could say I settle into a book right about now, but let’s not lie to ourselves.
9.30 PM
Time for lights out! Inevitably I will scroll through my phone and mentally plan out my next day (setting my alarm accordingly).